Selini Psoma
Professor of Ancient History
Selini E. Psoma studied History and Archeology at the Universities of Athens and the Sorbonne (Paris IV), Numismatics and Epigraphy at the fourth section of the EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) of the Sorbonne, and attended Ancient History seminars at the University of Cologne. She worked at the University of Lille III and Thessaly, as well as at the Numismatic Museum of Athens between 1996 and 2000. In 2000 she was elected as a researcher at the Center for Greek and Roman Antiquity of the National Research Foundation. Since 2009 she has been teaching Ancient History and Numismatics at the Department of History and Archeology of the NKUA as Assistant Professor (2009-2013), Associate Professor (2014-2018) and Professor (2018-present day). She has published three monographs, co-published an epigraphic corpus and a volume of Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, edited two collective volumes and written about a hundred (100) articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings. She knows French, German and English and reads Italian and Spanish.
Corcyra. A City at the edge of two Greek Worlds, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 83, Athens, 2022
Edited volume
Ἀντίδωρον. La monnaie entre guerre et commerce. Mélanges de numismatique, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offers a Olivier Picard, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 85, Athènes, 2023 (σε συνεργασία με τη Δρ Ευαγγελινή Μάρκου)
Selected articles
“The Bronze Coinage of Cardia” στο U. Peter, V.F. Stolba (επιμ.), Thrace – Local Coinage and Regional Identity. Numismatic Research in the Digital Age, Papers of an International Conference, Berlin, April 15th to 17th, 2015, Berlin 2021, 181-195
“Ius Iurandum Macedonum and the Tauropolos”, στο 8οΔιεθνέςΣυνέδριογιατηνΑρχαίαΜακεδονία, 19-23 Νοεμβρίου 2017, Ancient Macedonia VIII, Thessaloniki 2021, 713-725
IG II2 44 ll. 22–23: Αὐ[τοπολίτα]ς vel αὐ[τοδικο]ς, ΖPE 217, 2021, 131–134
“The Destruction of Cities in Northern Greece during the Classical and Hellenistic periods. The Numismatic Evidence”, in S. Fachard, E. M. Harris (eds), The Destruction of Cities in the Ancient Greek World: integrating the archeological and literary evidence, New York 2021, 129-162 (σε συνεργασία με τον Δρ Χρήστο Γκατζόλη)
“Was the Epistates a Magistrate of the Chalcidian League?”, ZPE 222, 2022, 60–64
“Luxury and Wealth in Hellenistic Peloponnese”, στο S. Hodkinson, C. Gallou, Luxury and Wealth in Sparta and the Peloponnese, Nottingham 2022, 253-269.