Maria-Gabriella Parissaki
Senior Researcher
Institute of Historical Research (IHR), Section of Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA), of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)
Maria-Gabriella Parissaki has graduated from the Department of History and Archaeology of the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens (1987), whence she also obtained her doctoral degree (1995).
She has collaborated (1995) in the LIMC (Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae) project. She has been Temporary Research Assistant (1996-1999) at the Thrace research program of the Centre of Greek and Roman Antiquity (ΚΕΡΑ) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation and Research Assistant (2000-2004) και Research Assistant Professor (2004-2008) in the Northern Greece research program of the same Centre. Since 2008 she is Senior Researcher in the Section of Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA) of the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF). She is also a member of the Program “Primary sources, history and culture of northern Greece”. In 2017-2020 she collaborated in the research project “"ANABAΘMIΣ": Thracian tribes of Aegean Thrace during the Roman period”. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Τεκμήρια.
Her research interest include Ancient Greek Epigraphy, History and historical geography of ancient Thrace, History of the client kingdom of Thrace and the Tribal organization and evolution of the Thracian hinterland
Select Recent Publications
Prosopography and Onomasticon of Aegean Thrace, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 49 (Athens 2007).
Σε συνεργασία με τους Λ. Λουκοπούλου, Α. Ζουρνατζή και Σ. Ψωµά: Επιγραφές της Θράκης του Αιγαίου µεταξύ των ποταµών Νέστου και Έβρου (Νοµοί Ξάνθης, Ροδόπης και Έβρου), Athens 2005.
Edited volumes
J. Fournier και M. G. Parissaki (eds.), Les communautés du nord égéen au temps de l’hégémonie romaine. Entreruptures et continuités, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 77 (Athens 2018).
Maria-Gabriella Parissaki (eds.), Thrakika Zetemata II. Aspects of the Roman Province of Thrace, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 69 (Athens 2013).
«Έθνη Θρακών στη Θράκη του Αιγαίου κατά τους ελληνιστικούς και ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους, ΙI. Σαπαίοι και Σαπαϊκή», Τεκμήρια (forthcoming).
Charikleia Papageorgiadou and Maria-Gabriella Parissaki, «Friends and ‘Friends’ in the Client-Kingdom of Thrace», in U. Peter and Vl. Stolba (eds.), Thrace – Local Coinage and Regional Identity (Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 77 – Topoi Excellence Cluster, Berlin 2021), 325-341.
«Έθνη Θρακών στη Θράκη του Αιγαίου κατά τους ελληνιστικούς και ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους, Ι. Κορπίλοι και Κορπιλική», Tεκμήρια 15 (2020) 187-226.
«Rome, le royaume-client Thrace et les cités du littoral égéen à l’est du Nestos: vers la formation d’une nouvelle réalité», in J. Fournier and M. G. Parissaki (eds.), Les communautés du nord égéen au temps de l’hégémonie romaine. Entre ruptures et continuités, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 77 (Athens 2018) 29-40.
«In search of territories in Southwestern Thrace: The peraia of Samothrace, the strategy of Korpilike and the civitas of Traianopolis», in Proceedings of the First International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference, ‘Cities, Territories and Identities’, Plovdiv 3-7 October 2016, Bulletin of the National Archaeological Institute, Sofia 44 (2018) 13-20.
J. Fournier, P. Hamon and M.G. Parissaki, «Recent epigraphic research in Thasos, Aegean Thrace and Samothrace (2005-2015)», Archaeological Reports 61 (2014-2015) 75-93.