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Georgios Ferentinos

Professor Emeritus of Oceanography (University of Patras)


Georgios Ferentinos is Emeritus Professor of Oceanography at the Department of Geology of the University of Patras.

He has been President of the Department of Geology for two 4-year terms (1993-1997 and 2001-2005).

He has taught:

    1. in the Undergraduate Study Program of the Department of Geology the courses: Marine Geology, Physical Oceanography, Coastal Geomorphology and Environmental Oceanography.
    2. in the Postgraduate Study Program of the Geology Department the courses: Marine Sciences and Engineering Projects, Environmental Geology and Application of Marine Geophysical Methods in Locating-Mapping-Imaging Ancient Shipwrecks and Submerged Human Structures.

(c) in the Undergraduate Study Program of the Department of History and Archeology of EKPA, within the framework of the EPEAK program (2003-2007) the courses: Application of Marine Sciences in the study of the environment during the prehistoric and historical period and Application of Marine Geophysical Methods in Locating -Mapping – Depiction of ancient shipwrecks and sunken human structures.

(d) in the Master's Program "Archaeology and History of the Ancient World" of the Department of History and Archeology of the EKPA, the seminar course "Prehistoric Aegean: Methodological Approaches to the Marine Environment"

He has published about 100 papers in international journals and conference proceedings with about 3700 references and an h-index of 34.

My main research interest in the subject of environmental archeology is:

(i) the study and representation of the marine paleo-environment during the prehistoric and historic period and its effect on the movements of prehistoric man

(ii) Locating-Mapping – Imaging ancient shipwrecks and sunken human structures using geophysical methods

Selected publications in international journals on the subject of the seminar:

  1. Evaluation of palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 18,000 years in the Myrtoon basin, SW Aegean Sea. M Geraga, C Ioakim, G Papatheodorou, G Ferentinos, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 156 (1-2), 1-17
  2. Early seafaring activity in the southern Ionian Islands, Mediterranean Sea. G Ferentinos, M Gkioni, M Geraga, G Papatheodorou Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (7), 2167-2176
  3. Optimal sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler surveying of ancient wrecks: The ‘Fiskardo’wreck, Kefallinia Island, Ionian Sea. G Ferentinos, E Fakiris, D Christodoulou, M Geraga, X Dimas, N Georgiou, Journal of Archaeological Science 113, 1050
  4. The Navarino Naval Battle Site, Greece—an integrated remote‐sensing survey and a rational management approach. G. Papatheodorou, M Geraga, G Ferentinos. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 34 (1), 95-109
  5. Atlas of shipwrecks in Inner Ionian Sea (Greece): A remote sensing approach. M Geraga, D Christodoulou, D Eleftherakis, G Papatheodorou, E Fakiris, Heritage 3 (4), 1210-1236
  6. The disappearance of Helike-Classical Greece—New remote sensing and geological evidence. G Ferentinos, G Papatheodorou, M Geraga, D Christodoulou, E Fakiris. Remote Sensing 7 (2), 1263-1278
  7. The reconstruction of prehistoric shorelines in Dokos Island, Aegean Sea, using remote sensing techniques. G Papatheodorou, M Geraga, G Ferentinos. BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES 1746, 65
  8. Use of Remote Sensing and GIS Methods in the Reconstruction of Coastal Palaeogeography of Alexandria, Egypt. A Chalari, D Christodoulou, G Papatheodorou, M Geraga, A Stefatos, G Ferentinos. 2008. BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES,1746, 119
  9. A multidisciplinary approach for the mapping, automatic detection and morphometric analysis of ancient submerged coastal installations: The case study of the ancient Aegina Harbour Complex. N Georgiou, X Dimas, E Fakiris, D. Christodoulou, M Geraga, D. Koutsoumpa , K. Baika , P. Kalamara , G. Ferentinos , G. Papatheodorou 2021. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, x.
  10. Archaic hominins maiden voyage in the Mediterranean Sea. G. Ferentinos, M. Gkioni, M. Prevenios, M. Geraga, G. Papatheodorou. QuaternaryInternational.