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Associate Professor of Ancient History


Nikos Giannakopoulos graduated from the University of Athens in 1995 and obtained his PhD from the same University in 2004. He was an external associate at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (1996-1997, 2003-20050.  He has taught Ancient History in the University of Thessaloniki (2006-2018) and he is currently an Associate Professor of Ancient History in the University of Athens.

His current research focuses on political and social aspects of the Greek city under Roman rule.

Main research interests

  • the Greek city in the Roman Period (institutions, politics, society)
  • Hellenistic and Roman Euboea
  •  preservation of order and crime in the Roman East
  • the reception of Classical Greece in the Roman Imperial Period.


Select publications (from 2016)

  • «Condemning the Athenian past, rejecting the Athenian present: aspects of anti-Athenian discourses in the early imperial period» in: A. Powell - K. Meidani (eds.), The Eyesore of Aigina: Anti-Athenian Attitudes Across the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman Worlds (The Classical Press of Wales), Swansea 2016, 199-222
  • «Groups and Associations in Bithynia and Pontus: Interaction with Prominent Statesmen and Provincial Governors» in: B. Takmer / E. Akdoğu Arca / N. Gökalp (eds), Vir doctus Anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin, Istanbul 2016, 364-387.
  • «Violating the security of the oikia: thefts from houses in the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods», in: I.K. Xydopoulos, K. Vlassopoulos and E. Tounta (eds.), Violence and Community: Law, Space and Identity in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean World, London 2017, 175-193
  • «The Greek presence in the Roman colonies of Kassandreia and Pella», in: C. Brélaz (ed.) L’héritage grec des colonies romaines d’Orient: interactions culturelles dans les provinces hellénophones de l’empire romain, (Collection Etudes d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne de l’Université de Strasbourg 27), Paris 2017, 93-118
  • «Decrees awarding offices for life and by hereditary right as honours» in: O. Van Nijf – A. Heller (eds.), The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy 8), Leiden 2017, 220-242.
  • «I. Knidos 34: Attacks against Houses motivated by Interpersonal Differences in the Imperial Period», Eirene 53 (2017), 335-357.
  • «Επιστολή του Αυγούστου στους Κνιδίους», in: Σ. Ανεζίρη (επιμ.), Ανθολόγιο. Επιλογή επιγραφών και παπύρων της μετακλασικής αρχαιότητας. Αθήνα 2018, 114-124.
  • «Μιλιάριο Εγνατίας Οδού», in: Σ. Ανεζίρη (επιμ.), Ανθολόγιο. Επιλογή επιγραφών και παπύρων της μετακλασικής αρχαιότητας. Αθήνα 2018, 206-213.
  • Φ. Παιονίδης –Ν. Γιαννακόπουλος, Αθηναίοι Δημαγωγοί. Ανασκευάζοντας ένα αντιδημοκρατικό στερεότυπο, Αθήνα 2018
  • «Euboian Unity in the 2nd Century BCE and the Chalcidian Embassy at Amarynthos: The Limits of Roman-sponsored Federalism», in: H. Beck - K. Buraselis - A. McAuley (eds), EthnosandKoinon. Studies in Ancient Greek Ethnicity and Federalism, Stuttgart 2019, 113-130.
  • InventoryofAncientAssociations (, αναρτημένο το 2019 (ISSN 2446-2500): 58 λήμματα για τους ιδιωτικούς συλλόγους της Βιθυνίας και του Πόντου.
  • «Admission Procedures and Financial Contributions in Private Associations: Norms and Deviations», in: Vincent Gabrielsen, Mario C.D. Paganini (eds.), Private associations in the ancient Greek world: regulations and the creation of group identity, Cambridge- New York (Cambridge University Press), 2021, 39-62.