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Professor Emerita of Prehistoric and Environmental Archaeology



Lilian (Ioulia) Karali-Gianakopoulou was born in Athens. She studied at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,  History and Archaeology (1972) and Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1974). With a scholarship from the IKY Foundation, she completed postgraduate studies (M.A., D.E.A., PhD) in France at the Sorbonne University Paris I, where she was a research associate. Since the 1980s, she has been teaching at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Prehistoric Archaeology and introduced the study of the archaeological field of Environmental Archaeology. She founded a P.A. Laboratory, the UOA P.A. group, the archaeoenvironmental collections in the  Museum of the Department of Archaeology and History of Art and organized seminars, excavation research projects, etc. L. Karali has received many awards, has been invited and has given lectures at many universities in Greece and abroad: in Europe (Sorbonne, Toulouse, Amsterdam, Groningen, Ghent, Glasgow, Valencia, Novosibirsk etc.), in America (Princeton, Santa Barbara, Harvard) and in Asia ( in Japan, China, Taiwan, Siberia (International Research Center Nichibunken, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Beijing, National Taipei University, Academia Sinica, etc.). She was and is a member of scientific committees, postgraduate theses and dissertations, councils and selection boards (DOATAP, KAS, Local Archaeological Council of S. Aegean islands   etc.). She participated in more than 100 conferences and international conferences. She has organized about 20 seminars and 6 international conferences, she has written 10 books and 130 articles (on palaeoenvironment, palaeoanthropology,archaeozoology, archaeomalacology etc.).


Main research interests

  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Greek and world prehistory (Palaiolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age)
  • Bioarchaeology (human and zoo skeletal remains, sea shells)
  • Geoarchaeology


Selected publications


  • Καραλή, Λ., Φερεντίνος, Γ. (επιμ.) (2015) Τετράδια Γεωαρχαιολογίας. Όλκος, Αθήνα.
  • Καραλή, Λ. (2011) Νεολιθικός πολιτισμός: Αναζητώντας ανθρώπινα ίχνη μέσα στο νεολιθικό περιβάλλον Ανατολής και Δύσης. Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα.
  • Alfaro, C. & Karali, L. (eds.) (2008) PURPUREAE VESTES. II. Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo antiguo. University of Valencia.
  • Καραλή, Λ. (2005) Περιβαλλοντική Αρχαιολογία. Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα.
  • Καραλή, Λ. (2001) Αρχαιολογία: Θεωρίες, Μεθοδολογία και Πρακτικές εφαρμογές. Μετάφραση από C. Renfrew & P. Bahn, 1991. Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα.
  • Karali, L. (1999) Shells in Aegean Prehistory. In BAR Int. Ser. 761, Archaeopress, England (Translation: Alex Doumas).
  • Καραλή, Λ. (1998) Λεξικό Αρχαιολογικών-Περιβαλλοντικών Όρων (2η έκδοση), Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα.


  • Karali, L. (2021) “The Natural and Cultural Environment as the Framework for Collective Identities of the Terms Greek / Hellenic and their Reconceptualization through time.” στο Minchenko, T.P. (ed.) The Influence of Hellenism on Contemporary Science, Culture and Education. Selected Papers of the International Multidisciplinary Conference October 5-8, 2016, Tomsk, Russia, October 20-24, 2016, Moscow, Russia. Red Square scientific, pp. 53-57.
  • Karali, L. (2021) “Shells in the Fill of a Late Archaic or Classical Grave on the South-East Velatouri (Thorikos).” στο Docter R.F. and Webster, M. (eds.) Thorikos: Reports and Studies XII. Peeters: Leuven–Paris–Bristol, CT, pp. 139-144.
  • Eleftheriou, A., Triantafyllidi, J., Karali, L. and Galanaki, C.E. (2021) “Material of Marine Origin from the Early Minoan IB Cemetery.” στο Galanaki, C.E. (ed.) Gournes, Pediada. A Minoan Cemetery in Crete. Prehistory Monographs 63, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : INSTAP Academic Press, pp. 181-184.
  • Karali, L. (2020) “Αρχαιολογική μαρτυρία για το σκύλο στην αρχαιότητα: Με έμφαση στην αρχαία Ελλάδα.” στο Καλογεράκου, Π., Χασιακού, Α., Κοσμόπουλος, Μ., Λώλος, Γ., Μαραμπέα, Χ., Πέππα-Παπαϊωάννου, Ε. και Πλάτων, Λ. (επιμ.) Κυδάλιμος -Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Γεώργιο Στυλ. Κορρέ, Τόμος δεύτερος. Σειρά Μονογραφιών AURA4 - AURA Supplement 4, ΕΚΠΑ, Αθήνα, pp. 501-508.
  • van Wijngaarden, A. Karali, L. (2020) “Theory and Method: Bridging the Gap between History and Archeology.” ΣΧΟΛΗ. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция. XIV/2020: 2, pp. 456-469.
  • Karali, L., Afonasina, A. and Afonasin, E. (2019) “An outline of the history of archaeology.” ΣΧΟΛΗ. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция. XIII/2019: 2, pp. 823-840.
  • Karali, L. (2019) “Τα βιοαρχαιολογικά κατάλοιπα: Όστρεα και οστά, Παράρτημα [1-4] και κατάλογος [7].” στο Ματζουράνη, Ε. και Βοσκός, Ι. (επιμ.) Η ανασκαφή του Νεολιθικού οικισμού Καντού Κουφόβουνου στην Κύπρο. Σειρά Μονογραφιών AURA 1. Μέρος Β' Τα κινητά ευρήματα, Τόμος 1ος. σελ. 349-376. Αθήνα.
  • Constantinidis, D., Karali, L. (2018) “Textiles and Culture: The Flounced Skirt in Aegean Bronze Age Art”, in García Sánchez, M., Gleba, M. (eds.) Vetus textrinum: Textiles in the Ancient World, Studies in Honour of Carmen Alfaro Giner, Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 119-128.
  • Karali, L. (2017) “Excavations at Lion’s Cave on Hymettus mountain”, in Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts, SGEM 2017, 28-31 March, 2017, Extended Scientific Sessions Vienna, Austria, Book2, Ancience Science, Volume I, pp. 3-10.

Most of his publications may be found at and