Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology
Eurydice Kefalidou studied History and Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a D.Phil in Classical Archaeology from the same University. She worked at the Greek Ministry of Culture (1993-2012), first as a Curator of the Division of Antiquities in Macedonia and Crete, and later as the Head of the Department of Pottery, Paintings and Mosaics of the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum. She joined the Department of History and Archaeology in Athens in 2013. Her research focuses on ancient Greek life and culture, especially during the Archaic and Classical period (7th -4th c. BC). She has published books, articles in Greek and international Archaeological Journals, Conference Proceedings etc., and is the editor of five volumes about various topics of Greek Archaeology. She has conducted or participated in excavations and surveys in Greece, co-organized archaeological conferences and experimental archaeology workshops, as well as curated permanent and temporary exhibitions in museums, both in Greece and abroad.
Research interests
- Greek archaeology
- Greek pottery and iconography
- Greek mythology
- Greek athletics
- Greek theater
- Archaeology of Macedonia and Thrace (domestic and burial)
- Experimental archaeology - ceramic technology
Select publications (monographs)
- Victorious Athlete: A Study in the Iconography of Ancient Greek Athletics Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1996 (in Greek, with extensive English summary).
- “The Iconology of Attic Tragedy”. In Ancient Greek Tragedy, 637-725. Edited by Andreas Markantonatos and Christos Tsagalis. Athens: Gutenberg, 2008 (in Greek).
- Asomata. An Archaic Cemetery in Emathia. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Editions, 2009 (in Greek, with extensive English summary).
Articles (2016 ff.)
“Ceramique attique et locale de l’epoque archaique tardive en Macédoine centrale: Reflexions sur le Mikra Karaburun Groupe”, in: K. Chryssanthaki-Nagle, S. Descamps-Lequime & A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets (eds.), La Macédoine du VIeme siècle à la conquete Romaine(Actes du colloque international, musée du Louvre 2011), Paris, 2016, 111-127.
«Αναπηρία και δυσμoρφία στην ελληνική αγγειογραφία από την ύστερη Γεωμετρική έως της ύστερη Κλασική περίοδο», in P.N. Soukakos, A. Gartziou-Tatti & M. Paschopoulos (eds.) Υβριδικά και ιδιότυπα όντα. Αποκλίσεις από την “κανονικότητα” στην Αρχαία Ελληνική Μυθολογία και στη Σύγχρονη Ιατρική, Athens 2017, 55-67.
“Greeks and Thracians at Abdera and the Xanthi-Nestos Area in Aegean Thrace”, στο: J. Driessen & A. Vanzetti (eds.), Communication Uneven. Acceptance of and Resistance to Foreign Influences in the Connected Ancient Mediterranean, Louvain 2020, 129-146 (withn C. Kallintzi, M. Georgiadis & I. Xydopoulos).
“The Dioskouroi Between Athens and Sparta’ Once Again: A New Attic Red-figure Vase with ‘Saltantes Lacaenae’ and the Dioskouroi from Piraeus’, in J. Neils & O. Palagia (eds.), From Kallias to Kritias: Classical Culture in Athens in the Second Half of the Fifth Century B.C. (International Conference 2019, ASCS-Athens), Berlin 2022, 313-336.
“Archaic and Classical Abdera: Economy and Wealth by the Nestos Riverside”, in: E. Kefalidou (eds.), The Riverlands of Aegean Thrace: Production, Consumption and Exploitation of the Natural and Cultural Landscapes (19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology 2018), Heidelberg 2022, 7-20 (with C. Kallintzi, M. Georgiadis, K. Chatziprokopiou).
«Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος-5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», in Tsiafaki et al. (eds), AtticPOT: Αττική γραπτή κεραµική στην αρχαία Θράκη (6ος-4ος αι. π.Χ.), Νέες προσεγγίσεις και ψηφιακά εργαλεία, Ξάνθη 2022, 212-227 (with C. Kallintzi).
“The Archaeological Project of Abdera and Xanthi (APAX): Preliminary Update on the 2022 Survey Program”, in A. Avramidou & J.C. Donati (eds.), Surveying Aegean Thrace in the Digital Era (Proceedings of the ArcGeoPerSa Workshop 2022), Κομοτηνή 2023, 99-108 (with M. Georgiadis, C. Kallintzi, A. Garcia‑Molsosa, A. Mayoral, H. A. Orengo).
Most of her publications may be found on